
SAS Learning Platform

Base SAS 100

The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data=work.employee;
by descending fname;
proc sort data=work.salary;
by descending fname;
data work.empdata;
merge work.employee
by fname;
Which one of the following statements explains why the program failed execution?
A. The SORT procedures contain invalid syntax.
B. The merged data sets are not permanent SAS data sets.
C. The data sets were not merged in the order by which they were sorted.
D. The RUN statements were omitted after each of the SORT procedures.
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Base SAS 101

The SAS data sets WORK.EMPLOYEE and WORK.SALARY are shown below:
fname age name salary
Bruce 30 Bruce 25000
Dan 40 Bruce 35000
Dan 25000
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.empdata;

by fname;
totsal + salary;
Which one of the following statements completes the merge of the two data sets by the FNAME variable?
A. merge work.employee
work.salary (fname = name);
B. merge work.employee
work.salary (name = fname);
C. merge work.employee
work.salary (rename = (fname = name));
D. merge work.employee
work.salary (rename = (name = fname));
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Base SAS 102

The SAS data sets WORK.EMPLOYEE and WORK.SALARY are listed below:
fname age fname salary
Bruce 30 Bruce 25000
Dan 40 Bruce 35000
Dan 25000
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.empdata;
merge work.employee
by fname;
totsal + salary;
How many variables are output to the WORK.EMPDATA data set?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. No variables are output to the data set as the program fails to execute due to errors.
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Base sas 103

The contents of two SAS data sets named EMPLOYEE and SALARY are listed below: (Question updated)
How many observation are in EMPLSAL dataset

data emplsal;
merge employee (in=ine) salary(in=ins);
by name;
if ine and ins;
Choices are
A. 4
B. 3
c. 2
D. 1



















Base SAS 104

The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.empsalary;
set work.people (in = inemp)
work.money (in = insal);
if insal and inemp;
The SAS data set WORK.PEOPLE has 5 observations, and the data set WORK.MONEY has 7 observations.
How many observations will the data set WORK.EMPSALARY contain?
A. 0
B. 5
C. 7
D. 12
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Base SAS 105

The following SAS program is submitted:
data numrecords;
infile 'file-specification';
input @1 patient $15.
relative $ 16-26 @;
if relative = 'children' then
input @54 diagnosis $15. @;
else if relative = 'parents' then
input @28 doctor $15.
clinic $ 44-53
@54 diagnosis $15. @;
input age;
How many raw data records are read during each iteration of the DATA step during execution?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
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Base SAS 106

A raw data file is listed below:
RANCH,1250,2,1,Sheppard Avenue,"$64,000"
SPLIT,1190,1,1,Rand Street,"$65,850"
CONDO,1400,2,1.5,Market Street,"80,050"
TWOSTORY,1810,4,3,Garris Street,"$107,250"
RANCH,1500,3,3,Kemble Avenue,"$86,650"
SPLIT,1615,4,3,West Drive,"94,450"
SPLIT,1305,3,1.5,Graham Avenue,"$73,650"
The following SAS program is submitted using the raw data file as input:
data work.condo_ranch;
infile 'file-specification' dsd;
input style $ @;
if style = 'CONDO' or style = 'RANCH';
input sqfeet bedrooms baths street $ price : dollar10.;
How many observations will the output data set contain?
A. 0
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7
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Base SAS 107

A raw data file is listed below:
RANCH,1250,2,1,Sheppard Avenue,"$64,000"
SPLIT,1190,1,1,Rand Street,"$65,850"
CONDO,1400,2,1.5,Market Street,"80,050"
TWOSTORY,1810,4,3,Garris Street,"$107,250"
RANCH,1500,3,3,Kemble Avenue,"$86,650"
SPLIT,1615,4,3,West Drive,"94,450"
SPLIT,1305,3,1.5,Graham Avenue,"$73,650"
The following SAS program is submitted using the raw data file as input:
data work.condo_ranch;
infile 'file-specification' dsd;
input style $ @;
if style = 'CONDO' or style = 'RANCH' then
input sqfeet bedrooms baths street $ price : dollar10.;
How many observations does the WORK.CONDO_RANCH data set contain?
A. 0
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7
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Base SAS 108

The contents of the raw data file FURNITURE are listed below:

The following SAS program is submitted:
data stock;
infile 'furniture' dsd;
input item1 $ item2 $ item3 $;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable named ITEM2 in the first observation of the output data set?
A. table
B. ,table
C. . (missing numeric value)
D. ' ' (missing character value)
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Base SAS 109

The contents of the raw data file FURNITURE are listed below:

The following SAS program is submitted:
data stock;
infile 'furniture' dsd;
input item1 $ item2 $ item3 $;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable named ITEM2 in the first observation of the output data set?
A. table
B. ,table
C. . (missing numeric value)
D. ' ' (missing character value)
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Base SAS 110

The following SAS program is submitted and reads 100 records from a raw data file:
data work.total;
infile 'file-specification' end = eof;
input name $ salary;
totsal + salary;

Which one of the following IF statements writes the last observation to the output data set?
A. if end = 0;
B. if eof = 0;
C. if end = 1;
D. if eof = 1;
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Base SAS 111

The following SAS program is submitted:
libname rawdata1 'location of SAS data library';
filename rawdata2 'location of raw data file';
data work.testdata;
input sales1 sales2;
Which one of the following is needed to complete the program correctly?
A. rawdata1
B. rawdata2
C. 'rawdata1'
D. 'rawdata2'
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Base SAS 112

A raw data record is listed below:
The following output is desired:
relation firstname
son Travis
Which one of the following SAS programs reads the data correctly?
A. data family / dlm = ',';
infile 'file-specification';
input relation $ firstname $;
B. options dlm = ',';
data family;
infile 'file-specification';
input relation $ firstname $;
C. data family;
infile 'file-specification' dlm = ',';
input relation $ firstname $;
D. data family;
infile 'file-specification';
input relation $ firstname $ / dlm = ',';
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Base SAS 113

The contents of the raw data file TYPECOLOR are listed below:
The following SAS program is submitted:
data flowers;
infile 'typecolor';
input type $ 1-5 +1 color $;
Which one of the following represents the values of the variables TYPE and COLOR?
A. type color
daisy yellow
B. type color
daisy ellow
C. type color
daisyyellow (missing character value)
D. No values are stored as the program fails to execute due to syntax errors.
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Base SAS 114

Question has been changed after some complains about it not being correct. Underscore represent blank space, I had to add them because blogger editor use to remove two or more spaces to one (Hint: missing informat for price).

The contents of the raw data file PRODUCT are listed below:
The following SAS program is submitted:
data inventory;
infile 'product';
input idnum 5. @10 price;
Which one of the following is the value of the PRICE variable?
A. 25.31
B. $25.31
C. . (missing numeric value)
D. No value is stored as the program fails to execute due to errors.
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Base SAS 115

The following SAS program is submitted:
proc print data = sasuser.houses;

proc means data = sasuser.shoes;
Which one of the following OPTIONS statements resets the page number to 1 for the second report?
A. options pageno = 1;
B. options pagenum = 1;
C. options reset pageno = 1;
D. options reset pagenum = 1;
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Base SAS 116

The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.sets;
do until (prod gt 6);
prod + 1;
Which one of the following is the value of the variable PROD in the output data set?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
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Base SAS 117

Which one of the following is true of the SUM statement in a SAS DATA step program?
A. It is only valid in conjunction with a SUM function.
B. It is not valid with the SET, MERGE and UPDATE statements.
C. It adds the value of an expression to an accumulator variable and ignores missing values.
D. It does not retain the accumulator variable value from one iteration of the SAS DATA step to the next.
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Base SAS 26

The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.new;
length word $7;
amount = 7;
if amount = 5 then word = 'CAT';
else if amount = 7 then word = 'DOG';
else word = 'NONE!!!';
amount = 5;
Which one of the following represents the values of the AMOUNT and WORD variables?
A. amount word
B. amount word
C. amount word
D. amount word
7 ' ' (missing character value)
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Base SAS 118

When the following SAS program is submitted, the data set SASDATA.PRDSALES contains 5000 observations:
libname sasdata 'SAS-data-library';
options obs = 500;
proc print data = sasdata.prdsales (firstobs = 100);
options obs = max;
proc means data = sasdata.prdsales (firstobs = 500);
How many observations are processed by each procedure?
A. 400 for PROC PRINT
4500 for PROC MEANS
B. 401 for PROC PRINT
4501 for PROC MEANS
C. 401 for PROC PRINT
4500 for PROC MEANS
D. 500 for PROC PRINT
5000 for PROC MEANS
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Base SAS 119

In the following SAS program, the input data files are sorted by the NAMES variable:
libname temp 'SAS-data-library';
data temp.sales;
merge temp.sales
by names;
Which one of the following results occurs when this program is submitted?
A. The program executes successfully and a temporary SAS data set is created.
B. The program executes successfully and a permanent SAS data set is created.
C. The program fails execution because the same SAS data set is referenced for both read and write operations.
D. The program fails execution because the SAS data sets on the MERGE statement are in two different libraries.
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Why to prepare for certification ?

There can be lot of reasons why one want to get certified. From getting job to promotion or to brag to their friends. I am posting information in this blog which may be useful to those who are preparing for their SAS certification exam.